cherry blossom branch

Learning Library

GW is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination, harassment, and violence, but we need your help. We all have a role to play in preventing sex discrimination, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

Knowing the basics about consent, sexual violence, and healthy relationships is essential.

Educate yourself so that you can help your friends and your community be safe and healthy:

Defining Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is an umbrella term that refers to a broad range of unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex.

Dating & Domestic Violence

Dating or Domestic violence happens to people of all genders, sexual orientations, ages, races and ethnicities, cultural and religious backgrounds, economic situations, geographical setting, and other social identities. The details and mechanisms might be different, but the essence is still the same: abusers seek to control their intimate partners through fear and intimidation.

Community Prevention and Response

Sexual violence is a grave issue that requires collective effort to address. It's crucial to understand that the responsibility for sexual violence lies solely with the perpetrators. However, there are steps each of us can take to prevent incidents of violence and foster cultures that prioritize safety and respect.

Understanding Sexual Assault, Consent, Incapacitation, & Coercion

It is important to understand the definitions of sexual assault, consent, incapacitation and coercion.

Understanding Stalking: Recognizing Signs and Seeking Support

Stalking involves persistent behavior causing fear or distress. Recognize signs, seek help immediately.

Understanding Retaliation

GW prohibits retaliation. Report incidents for investigation and appropriate action.

Helping Others when Responding to Disclosures

If a friend or someone you know tells you their experience with sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, responding with compassion and empowerment can make a difference in that person’s path toward healing.

Building Healthy Relationships: Essential Components and Red Flags

Learn key elements of healthy relationships: communication, honesty, respect. Identify red flags to prevent abuse. Seek support if needed. Stay safe.

Effects of Traumatic Incidents

Trauma is any type of distressing event or experience that can have an impact on a person's ability to cope and function. Many people will experience some kind of traumatic event at some point in their lifetime and everyone's response to a traumatic event is different.