Title IX Services
Title IX Services

Title IX Services


The Title IX Office is the George Washington University’s centralized resource for receiving and responding to reports of sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.  The Title IX Office provides support to members of the community impacted by these issues, and facilitates fair and transparent resolution procedures to resolve complaints of sexual harassment. The Title IX Office’s primary concern is the safety and well-being of all university community members. Upon the receipt of a report, the Title IX Office takes steps to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its adverse effects.




About Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in educational programs that receive federal funding. Learn more about what is required under Title IX.


Reporting an Incident

There are several ways someone can report an incident. Learn more about who you can report to, how to submit a report, and what happens once a report is submitted. 


Supportive Measures

The Title IX Office provides supportive measures to those impacted by a Title IX incident such as academic support, housing support, referrals to resources, and more.


Resolution Options

Complainants have the option to request to engage in either the Negotiated Resolution or Investigative Resolution processes. Learn more about how to request a resolution and what each resolution process entails.


Pregnancy Support

Title IX prohibits discrimination against pregnant students in university programs and activities. Learn more about reasonable modifications available to students who are pregnant or experiencing a pregnancy-related condition.