Holiday Resources
The Title IX Office Holiday Resource List
We understand that the holidays can bring up a mixed bag of emotions and challenges for our community members. For many people, the holidays are regarded as a time for togetherness and celebration. However, for many others, the holidays may involve elevated stress, confronting familial trauma, or feelings of loneliness. Below is a list of resources to help you navigate the holiday season. Remember you are important and you have the right to prioritize your wellness!
Helpful Articles:
- "Strategies for Survivors this Holiday Season" - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN)
- "Airport Security for Survivors" - RAINN
- "Insights from the Hotline Room: Planning for Holiday Gatherings" - RAINN
- "Getting Through the Holidays: Tips for Survivors" - Survivors Network for those Abused by Priests (SNAP)
- Holiday Survival Guide: Family Style - National Public Radio (NPR)
LGBTQIA+ Articles:
- Holiday Self-Care Tips for LGBTQ Youth - The Trevor Project
Helpful Applications:
- Can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store
- Connect with hotline, gain self-care resources, and learn more about topics related to sexual violence
- GW Gaurdian App
- Receive targeted advisories and alerts from the GW Division of Safety & Facilities
- Connect directly with GW Police and EMeRG (GW's volunteer EMS agency)
- Access a directory of key phone numbers that will put you in direct contact with Safety & Facilities and Student Affairs resources - such as the Student Health Center, Office of Advocacy & Support, and Safe Ride
- Set a Safety Timer and assign a virtual Guardian to monitor your safety late at night or while traveling