cherry blossom branch

Title IX Volunteer Advisor Program

The Title IX Volunteer Advisor Pilot Program launched in the Spring of 2025. This program was established for the purpose of connecting parties who do not have an advisor to Volunteer Advisors trained by the university. 

GW's Title IX Sexual Harassment & Related Conduct Policy provides that each party has the right to consult with an advisor of their choice. The Volunteer Advisor role is to assist students through reporting and responding to the Title IX Office, seeking on and off campus support, and navigating the investigative and negotiated resolution processes. All student parties working with the Title IX Office, regardless of their role, are eligible to be connected with a Volunteer Advisor. Please note that students may choose their own advisors and do not have to be connected with a Volunteer Advisor; Title IX will make these voluntary connections based on the wishes of the parties. 

Volunteer Advisors provide support for both the Complainant, the person reported to have experienced harm, and the Respondent, the person reported to have caused the harm. Volunteer Advisors will support either the Complainant or the Respondent, but not both at the same time. 

Volunteer Advisors will not serve as advisors for students during Title IX hearings where they would be expected to conduct cross-examination. Prior to Title IX hearings, the university will appoint an advisor, free of charge, for parties who do not have an advisor who can conduct cross-examination on behalf of the party at the hearing. These university appointed advisors are typically attorneys who are well trained in conducting cross-examination and in Title IX proceedings. 

Who are Title IX Volunteer Advisors?

GW students and alumni submitted applications for the Pilot Volunteer Advisor Program and were interviewed and selected for the program by staff members in the GW Title IX Office and a member of the GW Student Government Association.

Volunteer Advisors meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Demonstrate an interest in and knowledge of Title IX, sexual harassment, support, and other related concerns;
  • Demonstrate a commitment to social justice and due process;
  • Interest in processes outside of the criminal legal system for addressing sexual harm;
  • Have completed of one full semester of coursework at GW;
  • Commit to attend all student meetings with the Title IX Office;
  • Commit to attend mandatory in-person professional development sessions;
What can Volunteer Advisors do?

Volunteer Advisors act as a support person for both Complainants and Respondents who are working with the Title IX Office.

The specific services provided by the Volunteer Advisor are tailored to the needs of their advisee, but may include:

  • Assisting with making a report to the Title IX Office;
  • Assisting with responding to communication from the Title IX Office;
  • Navigating to additional on- and off-campus support resources;
  • Providing peer-to-peer support throughout a parties’ engagement with the Title IX Office;
  • Accompanying an advisee to meetings scheduled with the Title IX Office;
  • Answering questions on GW’s Title IX process

Volunteer Advisors may not offer legal advice, therapy, or other professional services. 

What training do Title IX Volunteer Advisors receive?

Volunteer Advisors attended a day-long intensive training at the beginning of the semester. During this training, Advisors met with experts on topics including GW’s Title IX Policy and Process, trauma and trauma-informed care, working with students in distress, and cultural competence. Volunteer Advisors also attend ongoing professional development sessions throughout the semester and receive direct guidance, support, and mentorship from the Title IX Office as they work with students. 

How can I get connected with a Volunteer Advisor? 

Email the Title IX Office at [email protected] to connect with a Volunteer Advisor.