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Helping Others when Responding to Disclosures

If a friend or someone you know tells you their experience with sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, responding with compassion and empowerment can make a difference in that person’s path toward healing.

Remember that you don’t have to be an expert or have all of the answers. The person who shared their experience with you just needs you to be a good listener and offer to help.

Tips for Responding to a Disclosure: "LEAN"

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Listen without judgment. Listen to whatever they want to tell you, but avoid asking a lot of fact-based questions. You may be trying to make sense of what happened in your own head, but this can come across as disbelieving. They also might not be ready to talk about the details of what happened.

Provide calm and compassionate responses. Just being present, being calm, and allowing someone to talk can be very helpful. Chances are, you might be angry, scared, or sad based on what you’ve just heard, but try to avoid letting your own emotions take charge. Your calm demeanor will help that person feel safe.

“Feel with,” or understand and share the feelings of another. Your response should be about helping the person identify what they are feeling and what they need, not what your own feelings or wishes might be in that situation. Be present with them on their journey. You might not know what to say, and that’s okay. It’s better just to be there and even acknowledge that you don’t know the right words. You can communicate alliance and compassion through gestures, patience, and presence. 

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You are being invited into a very private and potentially painful place, so you should respect that by coming from a place of empathy and support.

Support the community member’s right to choose the services they feel are most appropriate. Your role is not to fact-find, investigate, or determine truth.

Ask how you can best support the community member and share information on available resources when appropriate.

Sometimes in crisis, it is tempting to take charge and try to fix things. A person who has experienced harm has already had their control taken away from them. Help them regain a sense of control by choosing what comes next. Ask them if they know what they need and talk about what other people in the situation have considered. At the right time, you can ask them if they are ready to talk about what some of their options are.

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Navigate to the resources that can provide the support they are seeking. It’s important to know your limits and help the person transition to the next step of their recovery. Help the person figure out their most urgent needs and connect them to GW’s resources and support.

When appropriate, help the person identify their most urgent needs and connect them to GW's resources and support. Make sure to follow through with any commitments you have made like coordinating a warm handoff.


Things to Say

  • Thank you for telling me.
  • I wish I knew what to say. I am so sorry.
  • I want to be here for you and help you.
  • Do you know what you need most right now?
  • I want to help, but feel a little over my head. Would you mind if we call GW’s Sexual Assault & Intimate Violence (SAIV) Helpline (or another trusted resource) together?
  • How are you feeling physically? Are you injured?
  • Do you want to talk about some of the options you have? Or would you rather just sit here for awhile?

Things Not to Say 

  • Oh my god, that’s terrible!
  • Who was it? Where are they? I will kill them!
  • We have to go to the police (or the administration, or the hospital) RIGHT NOW.
  • I can’t believe it-- they are such a nice person!
  • Are you sure?
  • You were really drunk!
  • I told you not to go to that bar (or walk home alone, or date that person).

Take Care of Yourself

You may experience a wide range of emotions after hearing about a Title IX-related incident. Remember to consider your own well being and take care of yourself. 

Use the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)'s tips for self-care to manage your feelings and help you feel less overwhelmed. RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization and provides a variety of resources, including tops for helping someone you care about.