Sexual Assault & Intimate Violence (SAIV) Helpline

The Sexual Assault & Intimate Violence (SAIV) helpline is a 24/7 resource for any GW community member affected by sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, or stalking.

The SAIV Helpline is staffed by clinically trained professionals.

Call SAIV at 202-994-7222


How SAIV Can Help 

SAIV responders can:

  • Help evaluate and address your safety, medical, or other immediate needs
  • Can provide crisis counseling, safety planning, and emotional support.
  • Assist you in identifying counseling, advocacy, legal, and other support needs
  • Assist with transportation to Washington Hospital Center for a medical-forensic exam


Privacy of Your Call 

The SAIV Helpline is completely confidential, which is often very important to individuals who may be calling to seek emergency services or may be exploring their options. 

Please know that reporting an incident to the SAIV Helpline will not result in a report being made to the Title IX Office.  If you wish to make a report to the Title IX Office, you will need to contact the Title IX Office during business hours or submit an online report form.